Thursday, September 30, 2004

Back Seat!

There has been quite a lot of sibling activity around the old homestead in the past week or so. Trish has been around and Anne was here over the weekend. So today was the first day in ages that I experienced mother alone. She wasn’t totally on her own as Kerry is now on the scene.

And what a welcome she (the pup) gave me! The tail was nearly wagged off her. Today Kerry was to be taught the concept of “Back Seat!” which is what we say to dogs who try to hog the front seats of vehicles or who try to sit on an unwilling passenger’s knee. Kerry is a very quick learner and had grasped the concept before we reached Antrim.

After Antrim we went to visit Dad. Nurse told us that he had more tests carried out on the circulation to his feet and that the results showed some improvement. He had just had his lunch but still managed a portion of Maud’s raspberry ripple. Kerry came in after he had finished this and caused quite a stir. Lots of the residents wanted to hold and cuddle her. She nearly licked the face of Flo. Patsy insists that we take her to the vet to have her tail docked. He thinks her long tail is an abomination.


  1. sounds like a ballenced life...

  2. It pleases me -most of the time.

  3. That u Ian? Only problem there is that it isn't easy to give the dog a good kick up the feckin' arse when I'm driving. I'm not nimble enough.
