Saturday, September 25, 2004

Be Good Tanyas

I know the dogs in the street have been doing this for years but I have to announce that I have just made my first CD copy (for the car) Thanks to Glen for the software. As I am due to get broadband soon what do people recommend for free or cheap downloads?


  1. Anonymous11:09 am

    Nothing we would care to admit to!

  2. Anonymous3:03 pm

    I recommend not stealing music.


  3. Yes m- I wouldn't agree with stealing music either. But I believe there are sites available that offer free samples or downloads that can be paid for in advance. Don't you think that if I was into stealing music that I would have mastered the software long before now.

  4. Anonymous8:10 pm

    Yes, I agree, you might have mastered the software before (I alphatested Napster back in the days) but being on dialup negates all that. What with broadband and soulseek/bittorrent et al, who would need to buy music/software/movies? Nab it and burn it. *sigh*

    I dunno, I guess as I was a vinyl junkie, I like to have something to hold. The whole mp3 thing is an anethema to me. Give me double gatefold vinyl anyday. Failing that, a CD with liner notes.

  5. I can honestly say at this stage of my life that I have never made an illegal download from the net but I must admit I have listened to plenty and listened to illegally copied CDs. There was a time when people kept thrusting copied CDs into our hands on a weekly basis and some were listened to once or twice then never again. Plus they were cluttering up the house. But there are a number of arists that I have paid good hard cash for after listening to an illegal download. Thanks to a solicitor friend who was never off Napster I discovered Lucinda Williams, the Be Good Tanyas and many, many others. And I know other people who have parted with their cash after hearing these artists at our house. Excellent musicians have had their profile raised by the robbery of their toons on the internet. By the way I'm using my newly acquired skills to copy some of my existing legal collection for car use.

  6. May I add something - hell just rememembered, it's my blog - you're bloody lucky you have the eyesight to read a CD's liner notes. Note to children. Mum wants a magnifying glass for Christmas.

  7. Anonymous9:09 pm

    no comment (the solicitor friend )

  8. I have a question for you solicitor friend concerning a much recorded tune. It will be in my next post.

  9. Anonymous10:54 pm

    try me
