Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Earl Scruggs

Last weekend Bert and some of his mates went to the Johnny Keenan Banjo Festival in Longford. It was on for a few days but their main reason for going was to see the legendary Earl Scruggs. This was the first time Scruggs had played in Ireland. In fact he’s never even played in the UK so it was quite a coup for the Longford festival. Afterwards I was asking Bert how the trip had gone.
He said “It was bloody good and it wasn’t as bluegrassy as I was afeard o’”
“So what was Earl Scruggs like then?”
“He was an ould boy about 80.”
“Was he good?”
“Aye, he was brilliant.”
“What did he look like? Was he wee and thin?”
“Was he big and fat?”
“Was he tall and rangey?”
“Aye. He was like Paisley.”
“What do you mean, like Paisley? Had he big hanging jowls?
“Had he mad staring eyes?”
“Were his lips like two slugs?”

So I had to check it out for myself. Bert says this picture on the website shows him looking a lot fresher than he did last weekend.


  1. Anonymous9:07 pm

    wish I'd seen him - a living legend. Listening to him in the car at the moment

  2. Bert & the boys are still buzzing about it.
