Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Flipping Clematis

I have been asked for advice about overwintering clematis in pots. Bert the resident expert has been consulted and this is what he suggests. He overwinters clematis both as liners and full-grown plants. They are kept in unheated polytunnels. He advises some frost protection if it is very cold and to plant out in spring. Don’t worry if they die back a bit, as they’ll sprout again in spring. Don’t overwater. Good luck!


  1. Anonymous7:53 pm

    this is a post for the readers of nelly's blog. we must avoid all chat about flippin clematis, nelly should not be encouraged on this subject. it's bad enough that they dominate her life without taking over her blog too!

  2. Well I don't have any in the garden I'll have you know Miss Anonymous Smarty Pants. Just for badness I'm going to post another picture of Bert's wans.

  3. Anonymous5:18 pm

    For the record - it wasn't me that wrote the anonymous comment.


  4. I had you and Anne in the frame for it right enuff. Love from Mum
