Sunday, September 19, 2004

My Heroes

So there I was bowling down the A26 listening to Psycho Killer and feeling pretty damned happy with my lot. I was returning from Antrim after returning Jazzer and the kids and was thinking that I'd had a very good weekend.

I had spent quality time with my sis.
Got a new pedometer.
Really enjoyed my visitors.
Had seen loads of friends.
Met Mum's new pup.
Got music for my car.
Had been given eight special buns.
Quality time with daughter one.
Received beautiful lace cushion covers from Cyprus
Just been bowling.
Agreed to host an 18th birthday party for Lols.

The car broke down.
a massive stroke of luck, only a hundred yards or so from Scarey Tam's house.

Meanwhile the police were stopping cars on the Ballee roundabout and a herd of cattle were on the road heading towards Antrim.

I was rescued by Tam and Taylor. Thanks fellas. My heroes. And thanks too, to Harry's mum who gave me tea and sympathy.

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