Thursday, September 23, 2004

Seamus by Tricia Posted by Hello


  1. Anonymous8:58 pm

    Two early Clarice Cliff plates? must be worth a fortune! I am now an expert on Potteries pottery. Recently discovered that I had two very rare Beswick figures worth about £1600. On closer examination they had been badly damaged at some stage and appeared to have been glued togethher with a primitive form of Bostick. Sold them for £300. Say hello to Martha & Seamus for me. Who are thyese strange children you keep showing pictures of?

  2. Anonymous8:58 pm

    Two early Clarice Cliff plates? must be worth a fortune! I am now an expert on Potteries pottery. Recently discovered that I had two very rare Beswick figures worth about £1600. On closer examination they had been badly damaged at some stage and appeared to have been glued togethher with a primitive form of Bostick. Sold them for £300. Say hello to Martha & Seamus for me. Who are thyese strange children you keep showing pictures of?

  3. Aw shure they are not that strange. They are my surrogate grandchildren the offspring of my friend Jazzer and they have been a big part of my life for about ten years. Except for Ben who was only born five years ago.

  4. Anonymous9:29 pm

    i know who posted those anonymous comments and it wasnt the babby reid's he was talkin about it was his own children, who aren't really children anymore but dads will be dads. oh, and i have a job interview next wednesday for sainsbury's warehouse on the night shift. hannah

  5. To Hannah - thanks for that info about Mr Bowyer. Wot's he like? Tell him I'm going to be doing a big write-up soon about him with lots of photos. Be afraid Mick, be very afraid. (Only joking you know I love u)
