Sunday, September 19, 2004


On Friday evening YL came round to sort out my car stereo. Joy to have in car music again.

On Saturday morning I met Trish at the market and we had a poke around. She bought two early Clarice Cliff plates and I bought a print and a plant container. There are some rare things at that market. One stall was offering a selection of gynaecological and obstetrical instruments, which included speculums, dilators of various types and other items with a strong “Urrrgh!!” factor.

Afterwards we went to the Bluebell café for a few fried items and two cups of excellent coffee each. The bill came to £4.50. Tricia said it would have cost 15 euros in Dingle. Then a visit to the Home Mission Society where Tricia bought a solid oak chest of drawers with dovetailed joints for a reasonable sum. Then I was off home again to prepare for the arrival of Jazzer and the kids.

Almost as soon as they got here Jazzer, Martina and I went shopping. I bought a new pedometer.

Home for coffee and sandwiches then we were off again. This time Erin and Ben accompanied me. We picked up Zoë in Ballymena and headed out to Tannaghmore to view Mum’s new dog.
The new dog is adorable and mother appears to be besotted. Tricia had done a good job of training her.


  1. Anonymous6:39 pm

    Lucky Tricia getting all that pruck.


  2. Anonymous10:15 pm

    Nelly...will come and show you the link thing soon....

  3. Anonymous2:07 pm

    can't wait to meet granny's new dog. got any pictures yet? hannah xx
