Monday, October 04, 2004

The Breakfast Party

I had a very comfortable and peaceful few hours sleep until the garage door being shoved open wakened me. I peered out from under the duvet to see Laura and the girls coming in armed with dustpans and brushes. “What’s going on?” I enquired. “We’re here to clean up.” Laura answered. The Academy crowd never did that so one up for the House.

In the kitchen Mrs Wee was busily cleaning too. The Wee Manny was still shouting away but by now was as hoarse as a drake. Several dazed youths were sitting around wrapped in blankets. Next thing the Wee has them all ordered out to the garage to help the girls clean up.

After coffee I announced I was off to the shops for the Sunday papers and Bert’s customary chocolate milk. The Wee gave me £20 and ordered me to bring the ingredients for a fry. On the way to the car I stopped to see how the big clean up was going on. The dazed youths were all lying about relaxing while the girls worked. One dazed youth was wandering around aimlessly looking for his ukulele.

At the bottom of the lane I noticed that the big bunch of balloons we’d tied to the sycamore was gone. So was the branch they were tied to. If you spotted a lad or group of lads walking down our road carrying a huge bunch of balloons and playing a ukulele please let us know. Usual contact address is C/o Bert, Cullybackey.

When I returned everyone was shouting for birthday cake but the Wee Manny said no one was having cake until they’d eaten a proper breakfast. All I can say about the fry is that I wish Jazzer had cooked it but the cake was delicious.

I told Laura that I’d post pictures but I’m afraid that if I do that it might bring to an abrupt end some very promising academic careers. So best not. No names, no pack drill.

Later on that evening Laura phoned us and thanked us very nicely for the party. The Academy ones never did that. So here’s to Year 13, Cambridge House – Nelly loves ya!


  1. Anonymous8:38 am

    i like how Bert has a customary item which must be bought if visiting a shop. For Mikey it is wine gums!
    love mel

  2. Bert only has chocolate milk on Sundays.
