Sunday, October 03, 2004

Go Home You Noisy Lot

The party is over except we cannot get the guests to go home. There are going to be six girls in two single beds and the boys are fighting over three sofas. What soft creatures the youth of today are. No one wants to sleep in the garage.


  1. Anonymous8:15 am

    Aren't you up yet?


  2. Anonymous9:52 am

    Sound's like it was a good party. Hope you all have mighty hang overs - always a good sign of a good party. Mum you have to get a party going for the next time we are over. By the way I am sorry for getting the boyfirend's name mixed up - I am very silly, aren't I.

  3. Anonymous9:52 am

    Sound's like it was a good party. Hope you all have mighty hang overs - always a good sign of a good party. Mum you have to get a party going for the next time we are over. By the way I am sorry for getting the boyfirend's name mixed up - I am very silly, aren't I. Love Katy
