Saturday, October 16, 2004

Return to the Bog

Yesterday I visited Dad and did some pruning for Mum. Afterwards I took all the dogs for a walk in the moss down Ma’s road. All the dogs included her new pup. The way she went on about it you’d have thought I was taking a newborn child out. Fuss, fuss, fuss. Are you taking her lead? She might fall into a moss hole. What if your dogs chase her and she gets lost? So I took the lead with no intention of using it. And I took a camera to see if I could get a decent photo of the wee dog.

It was Kerry’s first walk in the moss and it didn’t turn a hair on her. She leapt over drains like she’d been born in the bog. I did get a couple of pictures but because Kerry is always on the move she looks a bit rare in them. In one she was bouncing about so much that she looked as if she’d been electrocuted. I like the one I’m posting. There is Paddy the plodder with his big arse marked out ready for “a good fecking kick up it” and there is Kerry with her ears flying in the wind of her own velocity looking like she is about to soar over his back. While I was taking that picture I was standing on top of an area of quaking bog. I got quite engrossed and when I looked down my wellingtons had sunk about six inches into the bog. I got them sucked out but it was a close call.


  1. Anonymous10:28 pm

    That wee Kerry hound was born in a bog (moss). She did have a big walk with Brendan and I in Coum loghaig otherwise known as the valley where I was doing the mammy one and worrying about the moss holes. He was doing his usual one, chill it you amadán mór (big egit), as our hounds bounded over the bog drains (shucks) which they all fell into as pups and knew better, Kerry went into all of them and he fished her out one after the other, not good for my nerves as I had a mission to keep her alive till we got her to Antrim. Moss holes at home are more scary though because we were always taught they were bottomless and had the consistency of quicksand, everywhere around here rock is not too far from the surface. Glad she is getting the opportuninity to be a rufty tufty. Brendan will be even gladder.

  2. Well that explains her confident attitude to the moss then. Guess it was a return to the bog for Kerry as well.
