Monday, October 11, 2004

Saturday, Sunday and Monday

That wasn’t a bad weekend even though I did a double shift at work. I had lots to do so wasn’t bored and there were no incidents. I finished my Al Franken book and feel I better understand the nuances of US politics.

So nothing to tell there.

I didn’t achieve much in the way of exercise on Saturday. I did get a short bike ride but decided not to go for a walk on my evening break, as there were too many yobsters about. Instead I called on Zoë and D and was the first blogger to see Zoë’s new rosebud cardi.

Sunday was a very quiet morning and as before I kept busy and the clients kept out of my hair. But the bit about yesterday that I liked was that I did my cycling and my walking. I felt great afterwards. So this morning I hopefully hopped on the scales and found I have not lost an ounce. Yet I still feel better.

Today I took the dogs on the river walk and ran into Dee Mac and Herman. Spent the rest of the day painting the kitchen ceiling and made lasagne for dinner. It was delectable.

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