Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Squirrel Invasion

Rosie and Paddy got very excited on their return from their walk. A squirrel was in their yard. Rosie set off with Paddy galumphing behind her. She chased it round the house. Next thing the squirrel ran up the wall of the house and clung on in a spread-eagled manner using its tail as a balance. Then it was off again and in to the beech trees. Rosie got so excited that I thought she was going to run up the trunk of the tree after it. Grey squirrels are just like rats except for the big tail.

Last night I went into see ZaD. D fixed up the links for me. I can do more but have not got round to it yet as I like to put my homework off until the last minute. D advised me to download Firefox so I have.

Yesterday the postman gave me a load of Thompson & Morgan seeds. Today he brought me k.d. Lang’s hymns of the 49th parallel and Ben Harper and the Blind Boys of Alabama – there will be a light. The k.d. lang was recommended to me by a shopkeeper in Magherafelt. It is mostly covers and is very, very good. The Ben Harper is awesomely good.

Bert went to the swimming pool this evening but it was closed. So that's another bathing opportunity missed for the soap-dodger. Bring on Aggie and Kim!

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