Monday, November 22, 2004

F**k Yez Posted by Hello


  1. Anonymous11:28 pm

    Now that is a cat that is busy planning it's revenge...

    Check that your cereal doesn't contain any surprising organic matter in the morning, that's what I say.

  2. Anonymous9:57 pm

    whatan amazing sequence of pics. looks like bert is expert at wrapping cats in towels and the dogs seem to enjoy the anticipation of the possibilty of being allowed to rip harry to pieces while hes trapped in a towel. my favourite is definitely the last one tho. harry looking very pissed off but very cute aswell


  3. Good news! Harry de Cat forgave us. No keek in the muesli anyway. As for you Christmas Elf - I liked that picture too. Dogs do enjoy seeing cats in a vulnerable position. I'll be publishing that picture of you and FC later tonight.
