Sunday, November 14, 2004

A Hypochondriac Mouse

Bert has got a sore bum and has been looking for some suitable cream to apply to it. Whilst rummaging through our medicine cupboard (which doubles as a meter cupboard) he came face to quivering, bewhiskered face with a mouse. And what had the timrous, cowering, sleekit, wee beastie been sustaining itself with? Why it was treating itself to Pripsen worm powders and Mrs Beecham's cold remedy. I wonder had it been reading my blog re rodents and worms? And of course it is coming up to that sniffly time of the year. Talk about self-help!

Later we went for a walk in the Ecos centre and afterwards went to Tescos. Bert had never been to Tescos before and was very impressed with the range of goods on offer. When Bert goes to a big supermarket he never thinks of normal basic foodstuffs. He only buys things he can't get in the local Spar. Today he bought mussels, fish sticks and dates. He was actually looking for haggis. I enquired "What has put you in the notion of haggis?" and he replied "I was reading Rabbie Burns."


  1. Anonymous8:23 pm

    im surprised bert didnt get hisnormal seven jars of various picled dills and things to accompany all the tasty fish he gets.


  2. He's not as pickly as he used to be.

  3. Anonymous5:50 pm

    how the hell are you Nelly? I have been trying to get through to MB on the the old dog and bone but no luck as always engaged. Will be at Martha's at the weekend so see you soon. JB

  4. To JB - doing fine. Going to Yorkshire tomorrow with my two best boys (Paddy & Bert) but will be back Thursday. It's just a clematis-buying business trip. I will see you at the weekend.

  5. Anonymous11:38 am

    That's hilarious Nelly - but what did Bert do to the mouse? Witnessed something today whilst walking down Princes Street, you would've loved it. Heard a man shout "Somebody stop that DOg!!!" only to see a greyhound shoot past me down the middle of the road, in close pursuit were the fuzz (no sirens though, it was probably already scared enough). Everyone was trying to catch the poor thing, as it still had a lead on it. The funniest bit was a beggar sitting outside debenhams - "Run faster for f**k's sake - they're gainin' on youse!"

  6. Anonymous12:38 pm

    Hey Nelly - forgot to say, that last one was from me, Mikeyboy. However, I also forgot to tell you something else you'll no doubt find equally amusing. Type WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION into google and hit 'I'm feeling lucky' - don't worry, nothing bad will happen and you shouldn't get reprimanded if you do this at work, its very good!

    Mikeyboy x

  7. Anonymous2:23 pm

    Hi Mum. My god the drama of the dream, keeping busy I see. I am glad Kerry has found a loving owner. I hope Harry has shat the worms out. As for Haggis, you need to get Morrisons over there. I was in Morrisons last night and Mark was saying we should get Haggis, as he thinks I will like in. This I am not to sure about.

    Love Daughter No 2

  8. Anonymous4:57 pm

    Bloody Hell. I should read through things before I post comments. I hope you all can make sense of my last comment.

  9. Anonymous4:57 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Anonymous7:59 pm

    But how is Bert's bum?


    ps haggis is pretty disgusting unless it is vegetarian in which case it is sublime.

  11. Mikey - Great story about the greyhound pursued by the fuzz. Thanks for sharing.

    To Ganching - I think his bum is better. He hasn't mentioned it and I haven't looked at it recently.

    The mouse got away, happy and healthy.

    Haggis disgusting? Why haven't you realised that disgusting food is Bert's favourite sort. The kids used to hate him doing the shopping.
