Saturday, November 06, 2004

Of Pups and Weathermen

I feel really sad. As I wrote before Mum found she couldn’t cope with the pup any more and she asked me to take her until something was sorted out. She had been here since Wednesday and was really well settled. I was awfully tempted to keep her myself but John F spotted her on Thursday and on hearing her story, wondered if he could give her a home. He and his wife had been looking for a dog for a while now.

Let me tell you about John F. We’ve known him for over 10 years since he advertised in the local paper for a plot of land to rent. He wanted to grow hedging plants. Bert contacted him, they got on very well and he has been here ever since.

John used to work for the Met Office and spent a stint working as a weatherman on local radio. Whilst working for the Met in Libya pre-coup, he claims to have met Colonel Gadaffi, Retired now, he can still be found gazing skywards and reading the clouds (from his pipe). I call him the Resident Weatherman.

After consulting Mum and Tricia, who gave Kerry to Mum, and getting their agreement, I told John he could have Kerry on a trial basis. He collected her today and part of me hopes she’ll be back. The sensible part hopes that her new home will be a success for Kerry’s sake. One good thing is that John will bring her to the plot with him and we should see her regularly.


  1. Anonymous5:35 pm

    i think john f would make a great foster parent for kerry, but nelly it sounds like yr pinin for another dog.


  2. Hannah - I always have room in my heart for another dog.
