Friday, December 03, 2004

The Story So Far

The Wee Manny is on his holidays from 'That Place', and he is spending them with us. Yesterday whilst hugging Bert, he cracked B's old sports injury*. Tonight, after a long, hard day, he went to bed at 9pm .

Meanwhile I went to the cinema with Jazzer, the two younguns and Naoise. We saw The Incredibles which was very enjoyable.

*Bert's old sports injury is a cracked rib which he sustained many years ago going down a water slide whilst drunk. Be warned!


  1. Anonymous11:27 pm

    heard the incredibles is a good movie - i'm quite cynical of animated movies but maybe i should give it a try. i watched a movie the other week called spellbound - was about national spelling competitions in the states. v.interesting but a bit crazy.
    poor bert - being violated in his own home by the wee manny! good reason to take it easy for a few days.

    mels. xxxxx

  2. Anonymous12:12 am

    I saw the spellbound movie as well and it was really brilliant - much more engaging that you might have expected JB

  3. Mels - you shouldn't be cynical about the new generation of animated movies. Some of them are really good. Ian said Shrek was the best film he ever saw in his life! By the way when are you coming home? I was speaking to Hannah earlier & she's hitting home about 10pm Christmas Eve and going straight to the pub!

    Jean - only one week to our knnes up at Matty's. Looking forward to seeing you both.

  4. Anonymous1:32 pm

    Are elves allowed in pubs? ZB

  5. Elves over 18 can go into any pub except Harryville as paramilitaries don't like elves. Too green. Elves under 18 can get a drink in O'Rawes or Whispers.

  6. Anonymous7:06 pm

    ZB Elves need to be allowed in pubs opn christmas eve night. All the hard work we do an no one ever thinks to leave US a sherry and a mince pie. we are much more deserving than santa

  7. Anonymous6:37 pm

    i agree with the elf. All that santa ass kissing and toleration of brats must merit some time off for a bit of craic / shenanigans / whatever your having yourself.

