Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Whistle Up Uranus

I feel crabby as I’ve just worked for three days in a row. My nerves are in shreds and I’ve been told I’m working from 3pm Christmas Day to 3:30pm Boxing Day. So....

Aaaarrrgh! I cannot stand Bert’s tin whistle a moment longer. The shrillness of it is going through my brain. What to do? Offer a jump? Put on Nick Cave? Loud? Very loud? Or as Eurydice said to Orpheus, shall I ram the whistle up his orifice?


  1. Anonymous6:44 am

    well Nelly, the boxing day celebrations will just have to start at 3.30 and work round you - it is a very stressful time of year, if you were japanese you would already be signed up with an on-line suicide club and be planning a joint demise with strangers (saw it on the news last night!) JB

  2. Anonymous7:06 pm

    what you should do Nelly is learn an instrument yourself. Maybe the fiddle or you could pick up the accordian thats lying around. Anything thats louder than the whistle. But just remember that anyone who lives with someone who plays an instrumnt gets fed up with it from time to time. Jamies mum is forever telling him to be quiet when hes practicing his trumpet and jazzer has been known to have her head done in by the one half of duelling banjoes over and over and over. is bert still playing toot toot toot todoodleloodleloodleloo all the time?

  3. Dear Elfin One - at the moment Bert is learning a tune called 'The King of the Gay Fairies'. Has Jamie got a spare trumpet?
    Anyway, this is what happened - went to the off-licence, drank cider, ate fairy cakes and watched a documentary about a massacre. My crabbiness dissipated.
