Monday, January 31, 2005

Learning Difficulties

You know when it comes to IT I'm not the sharpest knife in the box. I'll say this (before someone says it to me) I suspect it's my age. When I was a girl computers were the size of three-bedroomed houses. My first memories of home computers were Spectrums and Commodores. Despite having an ECDL I still have big problems learning new stuff. So since D breathed new life back into this machine I have been having to reacquaint myself with all its software. So far I'm managed to download Hello and get it going again. I've not entirely got to grips with my camera software which D has improved no end but its different now. And as for the scanner - supposed to be idiot-proof - but my idiocy knows no limits. For example when I was putting everything back together again I couldn't understand why my monitor wouldn't come on. I was using one of those multi-plug extension things and I had it plugged into itself. Homer Simpson lives and breathes in female form here in Cullybackey.


  1. Anonymous1:33 pm

    well Nelly, you are not alone in your lack of knowledge of computers, in fact you know more about them than i do. i hope the nasty scunging devil dogs have been forgiven now as i wouldn't like to think that pisher McGee is still getting all the attention xxx love hannah

  2. Course they've been forgiven. Good news - I got my scanner going and have been borrowing pix from Matty to publish in my blog. The next one will be Danny (RIP) and me from about 13 years ago.

  3. Anonymous10:35 pm

    It'll be great to see you on the 18th. I'll sleep in one of Katy and Mark's many sheds if necessary. Think the sofa would be more comfortable though. Be aware that there are no pubs for miles and miles and miles. Place is great though. Mick

  4. Yes - I am really looking forward to it as well. See you then
