Saturday, January 01, 2005

Norah Jones vs The Ramones

We had the Reeds down for New Year and their cousin Liam who was to be co-babysitter with Martina. Liam is a good bloke. I think he might be 12 or 14. He is a mighty Nirvana fan. 'Banjo' Reed was deposited in Cully with Bert and a bottle of Black Bush while Jazzer and I headed off for the dreaded McDonald's which apparently kids consider an amazing treat. Jazz sez are you having some. No way sez Nelly. I'd rather have a piece of stale bread dipped in a muddy puddle. What the oldies actually had was takeaway from the Eastern Moghul which nicely lined the stomach for later on.

So off we headed to Mr Carletoni's somewhere in the Portglenone hills. We had a lovely evening despite being separated by gender up until midnight. After midnight it was music time. I actually sang for the first time in ages. I performed My Lagan Love and as much as She Moved Through The Fair as I could remember. Great fun. Jazz and I also did backing singers for Ian and his bluegrass numbers. We were enjoying ourselves so much that he sang them all twice. That is the first time I've chanted for ages and certainly the first time since I stopped smoking. It doesn't do the lungs any harm. Unfortunately the best singer among us, Jenny, stayed silent.

Q. What do you do when you get home and your daft, maudlin friend wants to play Norah Jones - really loud?

A. Put on the Ramones - even louder.


  1. Ramones. Always the Ramones. I have always thought they made a great soundtrack for my life.

  2. Ramones.

    btw how'd you find my blog and is it just coincidence you're from Antrim? While I'm in questioning mode do you think there are many bloggers in NI?


  3. Anonymous11:16 pm

    There are loads of NI bloggers. Loads of them. Place is coming down with them. Can't move for the buggers.


  4. To Brian - whilst in Technorati I put the word Portballintrae into its search engine and voila! up popped the Seattle Surfer. I commented on your baby joy because it is lovely news at any time of the year and especially right now.

  5. Audioslave works too.

    Interesting blog you got here.

    Write on!


  6. Thanks for all nice comments. To Marc. From your photo I see we have something in common. Need eyebrows plucked! Ha Ha!

  7. Anonymous12:42 pm

    From one m to another:

    Well, work starts again soon, so the stress makes my eyebrows fallout, then I will have a perfect pencil line once again.

    Happy New Year to all in Nelly's Garden. The sun is splitting the stones here, a perfect crisp winter's day.

  8. Lucky ol' you. It's could, damp and dreech here in Ballymena and you cud fall a clatter very aisy.
