Monday, January 10, 2005


I am sorry to inform y'all that thanks to the Banana and her sad picture of Tsunami child victim that I have been infected by a virus which has slowed my home computer to snail speed. Hope to be back on form soon.


  1. Anonymous12:23 pm

    Oh dear Nelly, i thought i was doin my moral duty when passing that on. How disgusting though to seek opportunity in a disaster as a way of spreading viruses. Grrrr. Hope yr computer and i'll remember not to pass those things on. I will send you pics of me looking warm in my new coat instead, lots of love

    the Banana

  2. Yes H it is a complete sickener. Each file I am trying to save can take more than 5 minutes to deal with. Of course I hadn't done any housekeeping for months so have zillions of things that should have already been deleted. If anybody has any advice how to hurry it up it would be gratefully accepted tho' I may not be able to access it until Friday when I am next in work.
