Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Front Door Early Morning


  1. Anonymous9:35 pm

    It was supposed to be a *Friday* meme. Still, nice pic.

    Can you do the reverse? And see the 'backey from top of Slemish?

  2. So wot's a Friday meme then? Is it a special one you only do on Fridays? Does the photo have to be taken on a Friday? Is Friday a special code word that only experienced bloggers know? Am I feeling a wee bit paranoid? Am I thick or are you a pedant? I'll get back to you on the second part.

  3. Anonymous10:46 pm

    Friday memes were a useless thing for promotion of someone's aren't-I-so-clever list of questions, or something like that. It was rolled in to the dress-down-Friday/Friday is a mailing list insane-o day culture.

    I would hardly say I am an experienced blogger, but have enough paranoia for the both of us, so stop that there.

    No, you aren't thick, and neither am I a pedant.

    Photo on a Friday? Only if it is of a fish...

  4. So glad I not thick and you not pedant. But can be inscrutable.
    Very impressive picture. I did see Cully. It's under that cloud to the left.

  5. Anonymous1:15 pm

    Ooo pretty. Very jealous.
    - Carrie

  6. Anonymous1:21 pm

    Oh, very nice Nelly (it just occurred to me now that I've also called my sister nelly for years - although abreviated to Nell more recently - how odd?) Lucky you, if i ever open my front door in the morning I'll likely see old Mrs Murdy from 1f1 sweeping/mopping the stair well. whats the view the new house?

  7. It's the lighting makes it look so good. The view from the new house will be tall trees, a shaggy lawn and a pet sematary. A short walk to the end of the yard will allow us to see Slemish and the big smoke that is Cully.
