Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Lemon Jelly

I was listening to this yesterday and it's given me an idea for a post that might persuade some of my more reticent readers to comment.

How many of these places you been then? How many have you got a connection with? Such as knew somebody from there, parents came from etc. etc. Don't tell porkies. You know it's not big and it's not clever. (I do love a cliche)

You've been on the go ever since you were born and I imagine few people in the world today have travelled as much as you have. Now why?

Well I dunno.
I suppose some of us are cave dwellers, some of us live in houses, some of us like to be loose footed.
I'm a ramblin' man.

I'm a ramblin' man.

Paris, Tibet, Sydney, Naxos
Rangoon, Rotterdam, Runcton, The Cayman Islands
Malawi, Mauritius, Haight-Ashbury, Patagonia
Kingston, Kentish Town, Codrington, Koh Samui
Felixstowe, Fingrinhoe, Valmorel, The North Pole
Brixton, Antwerp, Gujarat, Prawle
Uganda, Shennington, Sudbury, Sri Lanka
Ecuador, Edinburgh, Stockholm, Abu Dhabi
Lexington, Lindos, Tokyo, Harlem
Ipanema, Nicosia, Granada, San Jose
Damascus, Mandalay, San Francisco, Atlanta
Adelaide, Angmering, Arumpo, Amsterdam
New York, Kabul, Rwanda, Kyoto
Manchester, Prague, Mendhurst, Toronto
Madrid, Melbourne, Dublin, Dakar
Boston, Oslo, Tooting, Belfast
Botswana, Tonga, Rayburn

I'm a ramblin' man

And you're going to keep on rambling?

Oh yes, hehe, I have to.


  1. Anonymous11:02 pm

    OK then...

    Been in: Paris, Rotterdam, Haight-Ashbury, Kentish Town, Felixtowe, Brixton, Edinburgh, Harlem, San Francisco, Amsterdam, New York, Manchester, Madrid, Dublin, Tooting, Belfast.

    Family links to: Toronto, Sri Lanka, Melbourne, Sidney.

    And that's about it.


  2. You’re not doing bad for a young’un Ed. I’ve not done as much travelling as you. I’ve been to Manchester, Amsterdam ad Atlanta. Oh yes – and Belfast & Dublin. And Tooting. And Kentish Town. And I used to have a Rayburn.

  3. Anonymous11:50 am

    Been to Kenish Town, Felistowe, Brixton, Amsterdam, Manchester, Madrid, Dublin, Belfast. A bit crap really.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. I know Anon, the list is a bit crap. For instance if it had included New Orleans, Lafayette, Nashville, Tuskegee, The Transvaal, East London, Johannesburg,Stutterheim, Hogsback, Lisbon, Dingle, Ahoghill, Portglenone, Billy, Kells, Leek, Stranraer, Dundee and Tannaghmore I'd have got a lot more too.

    Oh yes & Kill. I always thought that was a good place name.

  6. Anonymous6:12 pm

    Been in: Rotterdam, Kentish Town, Brixton, Edinburgh, Nicosia, Amsterdam, Manchester, Dublin, Belfast

  7. ,,,and after this weekend Norwich too.
