Sunday, February 13, 2005

Site Meter

I put Site Meter on this blog last night. It was really easy to do even for a technophobe like me. Now I can keep a check on the embarrassingly few visitors that I have. Seems to me that people would far rather schlep over to Cully to see me in person than come visit my blog. And it's Bert who is the one they're really coming to see. I'm just the grumpy, glaring person in the corner who keeps sloping off to hit on her own blog.


  1. I swing by often.
    I use Bloglines mostly to see when you update your Blog so you will most likely not see my URL pop up as visiting. But, I swing by daily.

  2. I know you're linked to me since I discovered it on Technorati. I linked back and enjoy reading yours too. Thanks. I feel less grumpy now.

  3. Anonymous6:49 pm

    The chances of me schlepping over to the 'backey these days are slim. Think of all the opportunities we had to cross paths that we missed.


  4. You still speaking to me Marc? Even after the ginger comment. I'm getting less grumpy by the minute.
