Saturday, February 05, 2005

Somebody Smart

Can somebody smart tell me what that computer language stuff is doing on my blog.


  1. Anonymous1:54 am

    It looks to be formatting code that Blogger puts into the post to make it look the way you want it to look. And it only seems to be showing up in Internet Explorer.

    Why it's doing this, I don't know. Maybe asking blogger would be the way forward.


  2. THanks for that Ed. I'll do that very thing when I get home. I'm at work right now and don't like to spend too much time on my own stuff.

  3. Anonymous5:43 pm

    Those are HTML comments, they mean nothing and are used to leave messages to puny humans who need a guide to what's happening in the HTML.

    Why they are showing up on IE I don't know, they appear correct to me on a quick inspection, have you changed anything in the template recently?

    Ask Blogger, as ED says, it shouldn't be doing that.

    - Beowulf

  4. Anonymous5:46 pm

    Oh, those HTML comments are in P tags, I'm not sure that's good form. I don't know enought about blogger to say why that's happened and I'm running out the door nooooowww....


  5. They're not appearing at home so it's only on IE then. The only thing I changed on the template recently was adding a new link.

  6. Anonymous11:41 pm

    I've had a closer look and the posts with HTML comments in them are a different style than the ones without (they have P tags), I've tried to repeat this on my blogger weblog but can't, however I've seen a lot of other blogger sites with the same problem so I'd say it's something to do with Blogger itself (a period where things were screwy, your recent post is back to the old format). You could try rebuilding your indexes, I'd just wait until you hear back from Blogger people anyway. :)

    - B

  7. Thanks for all the advice. I'll get round to contacting Blogger about it soon.
