Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Raving Shavers

Well boys - do you know what the latest is? Thanks to Beckham, and other nancy boys of that ilk, it seems women are going off your hairy chests n'all.

Philips are in the process of developing an electric razor to take care of all your other fuzzy bits. According to a survey they've carried out eighty per cent of women prefer their men hair-free and nearly half of youse admit to shaving parts of your bodies.

Why do I get the feeling that Marc won't be putting the all-terrain shaver at the top of his Christmas wish list?

Just for the record though I believe than both men and women should be as hairy as yetis if that is what they so desire.


  1. Anonymous9:00 pm

    Although, to be fair, my chin is denuded right now. As I am considering the Cambridge Folk Festival (with Christie Moore, no less) I don't want to be thought of as a beard-and-sandals-and-braided-hair hippy.

    I will never own sandals, even though I like my hair braided.

  2. Is it because you have hairy hobbit-like toes?
