Friday, April 01, 2005

See! I Told You I Was Normal

You Are 40% Normal
(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behaviour is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself

Are You As Normal As Nelly? Try The Quiz


  1. Anonymous2:57 pm

    65% normal.

    Which is nice.


  2. So you're normal but not too normal. I'm guessing you like blue better than red and think every other day is a good amount of s*x? Being a rational being I think you'd prefer an aisle seat so that you could escape quicker in an emergency. You button from the top down and can't roll your tongue. Those last two apply to me as well.

  3. Anonymous6:04 pm

    Hmmmm? I'm only a mear 35% normal - this is disappionting, being british, i strive on normality. The more mundane and everyday, the better. Apparently, getting people to understand me is a chore.


  4. Don't worry sweetie - it's because you are a laid back dope-smoking hippie type. And anyways if you were too normal Mels wouldn't love you. I'll get Bert to do it tomorrow.

  5. Anonymous8:50 pm

    50% normal. Not quite as abnormal as Nelly - though being her daughter I am probable on my way to being as adnormal as she.


  6. Anonymous1:12 am

    Yes and yes. I actually prefer the window seat because nobody ends up clambering over you to get out. I button from the top down and can roll my tongue.

    Three out of ain't bad though.


  7. Oh - so rolling one's tonge is normal then.
