Friday, April 22, 2005

A Sit Down Protest

The Kitchen Sofa Stays
Originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
Bert is in turmoil. See him bite his lip as he ponders his many worries.

That sofa they're all sitting on was top of my list for the bonfire. I wanted to discourage hordes of long-legged men from sitting about my kitchen impeding me from going about my housewifely business. Yes Clint, yes Young Lothario, yes Rodders - I'm talking about you. At least Ian sits on a hard chair with his legs tucked under the kitchen table.

But with Bert in turmoil I have decided that I cannot deprive him of his comfy sofa.

And now he has found a home for the spare den chair that was also destined for the fire. Apparently Dee Mac wants a comfy chair for her polytunnel. She says it's for her dog Herman. Mmmm.

This bonfire is getting smaller by the minute.


  1. Gee thanks - is it the Irish thing or is it because I'm living proof that the perimenopause can be fun?

  2. Thanks - hope you've noticed you're on my blogroll.
