Friday, May 06, 2005

The Gathering Of The Clan

Daddy is very ill. Everyone is coming home. I'll take a bit of time away from this. .


  1. Anonymous8:21 pm

    My thoughts and wishes are with you and your father, look after yourself and let the people you love take care of you.
    mikeyboy x

  2. Anonymous8:46 pm

    My thoughts are with you and all the family. Your a tough bunch and can all help each other through.

  3. My thoughts are with you.

  4. Anonymous1:02 pm

    Thoughts and prayers are with you, Nelly.


  5. Anonymous8:08 pm

    Keep thinking of daft things like chopping up logs for firewood or watching "Auf Wiederdercshein (forgotten how to spell it) Pet" on a Friday night before your dad took me to work the next day. Thoughts with you all.
    Mick and Linda. xx

  6. Anonymous8:54 pm

    Just adding my thoughts and prayers.

    Being with family at these times is the best thing.

  7. Best of wishes . . .

  8. Thanks to everyone for your kind comments and prayers. Daddy remains in hospital. His health is very poor but presently he is in good spirit. All the family have been home except one who is too young to make the journey. He seems in no hurry to leave us so we will continue to have this precious time with him and be thankful that he is not suffering.
