Thursday, May 26, 2005

More Worms

I've noticed that my post Worms comes up fairly often on Site Meter. At first I thought that there must be some perverted b'stard out there who just cannot get enough of the disgusting tale. So I investigated further. It seems that perfectly innocent Yahoo searchers wanting to know a little more about 'garden worms' are directed towards the revolting story of Harry de Cat and his amazing All-Dancing, All-Singing, All-Wriggling Tape Worm.

Be warned - if you are squeamish Do Not Look At The Post.


  1. Anonymous9:53 pm

    i've got bert his present. its not whiskey an its not gillian welch and its definitely not to be taken seriously!! i dont even expect him to use it!!


  2. See me?
    See my mind?
    It's BOGGLING!

    Or should that be bogging?

  3. Anonymous10:14 am

    yr mind is always blogging nelly


  4. Nice wordplay H. I claim you as my daughter.
