Monday, May 23, 2005

Progress Report

1. Daddy's condition has stabilised. He should be with us for a while longer. Anxiety and dread is easing.

2. The house-selling is also progressing well. Offers have reached a point where Bert's stress is lessening and Gordon Brown is rubbing his hands together with glee as he awaits the Treasury's cut from the vendor, the purchaser and the agent.

3. The house-renovation is also coming along well. We should be in by the end of July if all goes well.

That's all for now.


  1. Anonymous8:19 pm

    that is a pretty good progress report mary. glad to hear your dad has improved.
    love Mels.xx

  2. Anonymous8:39 pm

    Things seem to be looking up, Nelly. Which is nice.


  3. Yes it is good. The relief is immense. Of As regards Dad, we will still have to go through something like this again, but for now he is relatively well and is being diligently cared for by his angels.

  4. I am glad thinks are looking up. I am keeoing you in my thoughts.

  5. Thanks for that. I see that my typos are catching!

  6. No I caught the typo bug in the first grade. I never got over it.
