Saturday, June 18, 2005

Ganching & Nelly

Ganching & Nelly
Originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
I'm a desprit whoor for the betrayals.

Against her will I am posting a picture of
Ganching . She's the blonde with the naked doll.

The picture was taken sometime last century.

P.S. That
Zoe one has posted another last century one over at her place.


  1. Anonymous10:46 am

    Aw, that is such a sweet photograph. Except you look like you were forced into it.

  2. Yeah we were. And as you can see Ganching is trying to escape. A lot of our childhood photos are like that - grim-faced older child pinning down a younger sibling.

  3. Anonymous8:50 pm

    I've seen that photo before but it's only now i see the resemblence of me and Ganching when we were that s=age. As for u Nelly yr an unacnny mix of daughters no.s 1 and 2 in that pic

    daughter no 3

  4. Very nice photo. :)
