Friday, June 10, 2005

Recently Purchased...

..musical recordings by the groups of artistes known as Bright Eyes and Alabama 3 plus a collection of classical recordings retailing at the very reasonable price of 3 for £15. Also recently ordered was a musical recording by Miss Natalie Merchant which includes the traditional song 'Poor Wayfaring Stranger' which was a theme song (the Johnny Cash version) for the journey taken by our father.

Recently considered - a radical change in my life which could include the termination of my current employment which, to lower the tone, sucks big style.


  1. Thanks - changes, they are still very much at the consideration stage. Thing is I work in a 'caring profession' for a 'non-profit organisation'. Truth is the organisation is pulling out because they're not making enough 'non-profits'. Our 'founder' awards himself an unbelievably high salary and we, in reality, are an uncaring profession. The whole thing sucks. Think I'll go look after dogs for a living or grow hollyhocks.

  2. I love Natalie Merchant she has the best female voice in all of rock and Roll. “The House Carpenter's Daughter “ CD is in my opinion is uninspired. Nothing on it jumps out and sticks in your head. I will continue to buy her stuff. I will have to pull it out and listen to the song in question.

  3. I'm buying the CD for the song only and have no other CDs of her's. My ex-husband is a big fan. What would you recommend?

  4. Anonymous9:58 am

    Some 10,000 Maniacs stuff is actually not bad. They also put on a great live show, and despite my best efforts, I never got to chat her up.

    You know, if you want musical recommendations, well, I can supply the best.

    Nor do I wish to give out advice (consider you are, well, um, (a bit) older and (a lot) wiser than me) but if I was, I would say only do what makes you happy. Life is short, you only have a limited time with those you love, and should should be doing what you want to be doing.

  5. Anonymous2:47 pm

    Yet to hear Natalie Merchant but will no doubt add her to the wish list. Bright eyes, you know i'm a fan of. Being a fairly young 'un who is currently under suspicion at work, I'm not the best for advice - but i will say that you've never struck me as one of those people who's job defines them and pretty much everything they do/can do. The way you talk about your job, its sounds just that, a job to get cash, albeit one your very skilled in. I agree that you should do anything and everything you want to do - i can imagine you with green(er) fingers . . mikeyboy x take care x

  6. I would suggest anything by Natalie Merchant. I can fall into her powerful voice. I always get the feeling she is singing directly to me.
    I just did a quick search for the cd and came up empty. I will have to do a deeper search later. She comes to town every now and then I keep wanting to go and see her live.

    I missed the 10,000 maniacs the first time around and have always regretted it. I know little about that band.

  7. To all - the ex-husband aka living saint is a big Natalie Merchant fan since the 10.000 maniacs days. I vaguely remember her as a whirling dervish tho' have never seen her live.

    To Marc - I always appreciate recomendations - I've got a good story about that, I'll tell sometime. I prefer to buy music rather than to download it as I like to support the artiste even if the shareholders and the fat cats get the biggest share. C'est la vie (sigh). So for Marc not knowing for sure if you're into this - I've got a Pixies-sized and a White Stripes-sized gap going on. What do you recommend? Feel free to give me maybe three other recommendations ,on anything you fancy (I'm not made of money y'know) as any more might hurt my silly lil' head.

    To Mikey - I can feel a green-fingered thang coming on as well. Might as well get going before the Big Chill caused by so-called global warming arrives.

  8. Anonymous8:13 pm

    Well, as for the Stripes, I still think 'White Blood Cells' is their best, but others would disagree. (I can let you *cough* preview the new one, as I did the same for someone else (ask for the link) but all I do say is if you listen and like, do buy. I could download everything, but don't. Like you, I like to buy. As then I have something to hold.) As for the old Pixies, get that latest compilation. Then over time pick up the rest. Though it is a fine disc, a good introduction.

    As for my two favourite records so far this year, I would go for The Engineers and Ambulance Ltd. Arcade Fire is also good, everything else is fine, but average. Those are the stick-outs so far. Or the ones I remember right now.

    And go on, tell your recommendations story, I am intrigued now...

  9. Anonymous8:51 pm

    Surprised you have not asked me for a Pixies recommendation! My fave band of all time! I would agree with Stray Toaster though - start off with the latest compilation.

  10. Thanks for recommendations. I asked the ex-husband and living saint about the Pixies and he suggested 'Death to the Pixies' but it turns out it's been discontinued - the child in HMV suggested the latest compilation so now 2 people have suggested it I'll have to get that one soonest.

  11. Zoe - I know you are the world's greatest Pixies fan but I worry that you might think I was hinting for copies.

    Anyways you are still my Main Guru for home decor. I spoke to Marty this evening and he totally agrees with you about cream being much nicer than magnolia.

  12. I found my CD- It is a great song. Natalie Merchant sings it with a certain raw power. I think you will enjoy it.
    Any reason this song was chosen? Was it a song you picked or was it picked by your father? I think it is a very fitting song.

  13. At times during Daddy's last illness some of the family would sit with him throughout the night. On a night my youngest sister Dede sat she told me that she sang him some songs. I asked her which songs and Wayfaring Stranger was one of them. I was very moved at this and found that I had the song in my own collection sung by Johnny Cash. It's an old trad song and has been performed by many artistes including Jerry Garcia. I'm learning to sing it myself but I canot of Johnny's version because his voice is so deep.

  14. Anonymous4:59 pm

    Thanks for the compliment Nelly. Yer not so bad yersel. Do have to point out though that it was Kristen Hersh of Throwing Muses, (now 50 Foot Wave) and not Nathalie Merchant. Thogh I did like the first 10,000 Maniacs album. Some more names for you to check out. Willy Mason, Raveonettes and Maximo Park.
    Mick. xx

  15. Anonymous9:31 pm

    Willy Mason, yup. Ravonettes, can't wait for the next record. The first EP was ace, the album a fantastic bit of surf-fuzz rock (can't believe that was what? two years ago)

    Maximo Park I am as yet undecided on.

    here endeth the NME lecture of the week.

  16. Will'y Mason, yup. Ravonettes' recommended by Marc and Mick. Sounds like a must buy. I'll hold on Maximo Park for now otherwise I'll need another bank loan. I promise reviews within a fortnight - from the Old Grey Woman Test.

  17. Anonymous3:47 pm

    What I asid about the Ravonettes yonks ago:

  18. Yay! I'm so glad I ordered it. Might arrive tomorrow.
