Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Save Ulster From Sodomy

So the Gay Pride March has been referred to the Parades Commission and why ever not say I. After all the whole point of the Parades Commission is to give everyone their spoke. Even if they are killjoy po-faced drears like..

Jonathan Larner of the protest group "Stop the Parade" said [the proposed parade] was "offensive". "Our outlook on this parade is a wholly peaceful one, we find the whole parade morally offensive," he said. "As evangelical Christians we believe what the bible says regarding sodomy - that it is a sin - and for that reason we want to oppose a parade that we see is promoting a sinful lifestyle."

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that sodomy* should be compulsory for everyone. As far as I'm concerned it's a lifestyle choice. And far be it from me to diss 'The Good Book' but I believe it gives certain advice on how 'bloody' women ought to be conducting themselves, not to mention dietary guidelines that most of us are happy to ignore. This country could be doing with more fun parades like Gay Pride.

*Sodomy - evangelical Christians and others of that ilk can only see or hear of a male homosexual person than they are immediately fixating on an act of anal penetrative sex. I cannot help but wonder why this concerns them so. Do gays when coming across heterosexuals think so much about what they do in private? I'm inclined to think they do not. I'm inclined to think that the private lives of gay people are just as diverse and maybe just as dull as those of heterosexuals.


  1. Anonymous9:37 am

    "As far as I'm concerned it's a lifestyle choice."

    It's comments like this that make it easier for gay bashers to have a go at gay people. The fact of the matter is that it's not a lifestyle choice. It's hardwired.

  2. Maybe I didn't make myself clear on that one. I was referring to anal sex as a choice not gayness. My point is that when 'gay bashers' are confronted with male homosexuality that particular sex act is what they seem to focus on. And I reckon there's a lot more to people (gays included) that what they do in bed.

    And maybe some people might think that as a white, heterosexual female I should keep my mouth shut and my opinions to myself but I need to say that people like Jonathan Larner do not speak for me.

  3. Anonymous11:09 am

    In fairness, if you say that anal sex is a lifestyle choice for gay men, could you also say that conventional missionary sex for straight couples is a lifestyle choice? I don't think so.

  4. Ah but I did not say that anal sex is a lifestyle choice for gay men - I said that anal sex is a lifestyle choice. I'm implying that it is a choice for everyone, male, female, straight or gay.

  5. Good point Beowulf - and it occurs to me when I look at my original post that I should have written 'some evangelical Christians' rather than just 'evangelical Christians' because otherwise the statement was just too sweeping. Hoist by my own petard.

    And I think I might just go back to writing whimsical posts about Matty and my days out. Sex, politics and religion is a heady mix for a woman of my years.

  6. Anonymous8:03 pm

    On this subject did you see the photo on the cover of Society in the Guardian today?

    Ballymena says no to sodomy and to asylum seekers. Scary stuff.


  7. Official council policy is that immigrants to the town should be made welcome - the reality might be somewhat different.

  8. I hope you don't mean 'on fire' as in 'ring of fire'?

    Yes it did get a bit heavy. Had to move back to the sweet stuff like little birdies in their nests.

  9. Anonymous9:59 am

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  10. Great post, Nelly.
    Used to go through Cullbackey on my way to teh dentist as a kid.

    Glad Northern Ireland's sorting itself out.

  11. we've a little way to go yet.
