Friday, July 22, 2005

The Accidental Stalker

old bleach
Originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
There are two things I'm really into at the moment. One is wine and the other is walking. I started the walking to get healthy and to lose weight so might have to stop the wine as it is counterproductive to my aims.

I was getting bored of my regular walks so now if I'm out and about I just park the car anywhere and go walking. Yesterday, after dropping Matty and her People's Friend off, Rosie and I headed down to Randalstown to walk over the Arches bridge. Nice views - especially looking up the river towards the motorway - but the walk was far too short so we headed up the riverside walk.

I saw lots of interesting things on the walk.

I saw a fly fisherman who had lots of people watching him. I took a picture but never managed to get one with his line swishing about. Two of the men who were watching him asked me if he was my husband. I said he was not and that I didn't have to be married to a man to take his picture. To prove it I took their picture too so they wouldn't feel left out.

I saw that old factory where I worked for a very short time after throwing in the towel (or nurse's cap and stiff starched apron) with the psychiatric nursing. God I was crap at hemming tea towels. And that sewing room was a worrying place for a country girl from Tannaghmore what with all those mad IRA women from Toome and then the Queen fans. No - not Freddie Mercury's Queen - the real deal Queen. So one Monday morning I woke up and decided not to bother going in. And that was that.

I saw two police officers sitting in their car on the path (I had to walk around them) and they were eating ice cream and skiving. I decided not to report them to Mrs O'Loan because if I was a police officer I'd skive too when I got the chance.

I saw a very tattered Union Jack flying from a lamp post and I saw a guy with dreadlocks picking up dog poo.

I did not see Ed and had no idea I was standing at the bottom of his garden when I took the picture of the Old Bleach.


  1. Anonymous3:56 pm

    I like it when uneventful things turn out to have loads of wee events in them! That factory pic reminds me of somewhere by a river bert took mel me and dan once-maybe an old mill? in the valley between yours and mel's, think there might have an orchard/hens nearby?
    Mikey x

  2. Anonymous5:13 pm

    To be fair, it's me ma's garden. But that's only a technicality.


  3. I wasn't actually standing in a garden when I took the photograph.

  4. Mikey - you're thing of Harperstown. Nearly all the rivers in Norn Iron are hoochin with old mills.

  5. Anonymous12:56 am

    Aye, but pretty much right behind you you'd have seen this. With a bit less water, obviously. Dat dere be me ma's place.

    I just thought it was a bit wierd to see the view from my house in somebody else's flickr account.

  6. It would have been even wierder if you'd been one of the watchers on the bridge. So the homeplace is close to the public path then. There are a lot of dubious looking characters walking past there.

  7. Anonymous11:03 am

    Hillmount is the place me mikey bert and dan went. it is very pretty there too. you should post the picture of the two guys!

  8. Anonymous1:13 pm

    Now that is odd. I know the guy on the left. Trevor be his name.


  9. You know more than me then.

  10. Just being brusque in case you thought I fancied him.

  11. Anonymous4:28 pm

    Ah, so it was the fella on the right you fancied, then? ;-)

  12. Buggeration. Left myself wide open for that dig.
