Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Confessional Rant

Oh dear. I have been a bad daughter today. I shouted at Matty. Just because she made another (unnecessary) appointment with her solicitor. I started off by gently explaining that no, she didn't need a face-to-face appointment this time. For God's sake Matty - realise solicitor's services are not covered by the NHS. Anyway they're boring (sorry Bliss and JS) but your legalese is dull, dull, dull and damned expensive. But then when I asked her if she wanted to come out with me tomorrow she said "No. Because I'm not worth tuppence after the way you went on and on to me about that solicitor's appointment." So there you have it - if I've ever given anyone the impression that I am a doting, attentive daughter the truth is now out. I'm a feughing German philosopher that rhymes with rant.

That was the confessional part - now for the rant. Cartridge World. Yes you, you little twerp. I notice you're not displaying R plates so I assume you've been driving for a while. Long enough anyway to have forgotten your Highway Code. Just after 6pm on the A26 this evening - you cut me up on the roundabout. I was worried about you, thought your indicator signal wasn't working for you failed to use it on six occasions. Then at the mini-roundabout at Sainsburys you made a right turn and for once you indicated. So no problems there then. Car's a good advertisement then - for a really crap driver.


  1. Anonymous9:50 pm

    Is that the yellow new Mini one? He used to come hairing out of the M2 junction in the morning when I was going to work in the colonies, with me coming from the M22. No signal, just var-oosh out into the fast lane. Near writ-me-aff several times.

    I also may have given him the fingers when I passed him at Sandyknowles. Scary biker with black visor. Don't mess. Etc.

    Anyway, what a wanker.

  2. Black mini this one but likely same driver. You would think that driving a motor with your company name written all over would encourage you to drive more responsibly. I hear the cartridge's are pretty dreadful too.

  3. Someone who does my research for me. I like that. But I'm going to give them one more chance. Two strikes and they're out!

  4. No offense taken. :) We *are* exceptionally expensive, and even more exceptionally dull. :)

  5. Bliss - surely that's only while you're working. I like to think that out of working hours you enjoy the simple things in life i.e. are a cheap date. And as for boring - again only when speaking legalese to the under educated.

  6. It's the only thing that keeps me sane - shutting off the lawyer-brain the second I hit the door out of work. ;)

  7. Globalisation! It gets everywhere!

  8. Anonymous5:51 pm

    Dave says he saw the black cartridge world mini today - being driven by someone I went to primary school with.

  9. Yes I know more about Mr Cartridge World man than he thinks. One of the H family. Is it D or C? Whichever one it is he really ought to be driving better than that at his age.
