Thursday, July 28, 2005

Dem You IRA

Dem you Gerry and Martin. Dem you Ira. Dem you for disbanding on the night that UTV Live was going to feature Bert's amazing clematis on the teevee.

Oh well - nobody stands in the way of historee. Not even Bert and his clematee (sic)


  1. Anonymous8:39 am

    Shite. I'd forgotten about the clemantee being on the googlebox. So, when's the repeat?


  2. Not a notion. But sure it's only flowers. Nice flowers mind you.

  3. Anonymous12:21 pm

    Ok, time to fill you all in on the big leaving do i had even tho i'm not actually leaving. Well, wot can i say, it was a lovely collection of old and new freinds who all got on beautifully with each other. it was nice to see people i havent seen for a long time. later on in the night we had geetars and singing. the atmosphere was really nice and everyone had a good time. This is the party that'll be known as the one when christine had a slug up her trousers.


  4. Things I really need to know.

    Was the slug on the inside or outside of Christine's trousers?

    How far up her leg did it go?

    How big was the slug?

  5. Anonymous3:04 pm

    I knew it wud be the slug u'd be most interested in. Slug was on the inside, and it had got up as far as her knee so it must've been there for a while. the slug was normal size but the funniest bit of the story is before christine realsied it was a slug she said "somebody's just dripped water up my trousers" we were all wondering how that was actually possible and then christine rolled her trousers up to see its little face poking out at her.


  6. Ew! I'm glad it wasn't me. I'd have died.
