Thursday, July 07, 2005


I heard the news about London whilst driving to Castlerock. Dede and I had only one creditless mobile phone between us. When Dede said that Katy was in London the only way I could handle it was by refusing to believe it. No. She was in London for Live8. She's in Norfolk today. So I was just worrying about Ganching and JB and their loved ones. We stopped at a hotel and phoned home - and everyone is OK. Thank God. We're selfish really aren't we? We must be sure that our own loved ones are well before we can think of the wider implications. Poor London. It didn't get long to feel happy about the 2012 Olympics.


  1. Anonymous4:48 pm

    It is selfish Nelly, but its an instinct, not a choice - one no doubt strengthened by being a mother. I was the same - straight on the phone to brother Dick who works at Kings Cross - he's fine but obviously completely shaken which, unfortunatley, is probably just what the terrorists want. I dont understand it, i dont understand religion, and i dont understand why we have to have such a close relationship with the U.S.
    mikey x x

  2. I am glad that all is well. I enjoy looking through your Pictures over at Flickr.

  3. Anonymous5:24 pm

    It's perfectly selfish. Doesn't mean it's wrong.

    Glad to hear that everyone is OK.


  4. There are people today who have been handed a life sentence of suffering and disability. And it is happening all over the world. Though it always hurts hardest closest to home. Which is probably the reason for today. Doesn't stop it being very wrong.

    Thanks for kind thoughts.

    God help those who are suffering.

  5. Anonymous8:46 pm

    Thank you for caring so much.

  6. How could I not? Anyway I was pretty cool about it compared to your granny who was demented.
