Saturday, July 30, 2005

Kissing Donkeys on the Dunnygarron Road*

Originally uploaded by fugax.
Willy Mason sings in Oxygen,

We can be richer than industry,
As long as we know there's things we
don't really need

Some other far less original person said, "The best things in life are free."

I wouldn't want to be that woman from Limerick who has won £77 million on the Irish lottery. That's more than enough to thoroughly wreck your life. It would make me deeply depressed to have the responsibility of it. And I'd never live long enough to spend it and it would not be good for my children. So it's just as well I don't do lotteries.

And many of the best things in life are, if not entirely free, low cost. Like walking. So why is it that I returned from my walk today with a great desire for new possessions sparked by my envious glances into other people's fields and gardens?

I want -

Chickens like those ones
A donkey like the one Rosie nuzzled and kissed
And some red pom pom dahlias like those ones

*No picture of the donkey available


  1. Anonymous5:51 pm

    it was the eurolotto that woman won. If i won that much money i'd keep maybe one million and give the rest away

  2. Yes but who'd you give over £70 million quid to? You'd just be passing on the problem.
