Monday, July 11, 2005

New Additions

I'm introducing a couple of new entries on the blogroll. I've been reading them both for a good long while and it's time I put them on here.

Just because a blog is mega popular doesn't make it wrong - so I've added Waiter Rant to the roll.

Then there is Ayla Peajar from the western side of Canada. She's a young 'un just starting out in life but she has a lot of heart. So far she's the only fellow blogger whose posts have occasionally moved me to tears.


  1. Anonymous12:20 pm

    Hope today goes well Nelly - any plans for tonight?
    mikeyboy x

  2. My plans are this - staying over at work and listening to a pack of drunken band boys and their slutmolls roaring drunkenly, fighting and singing the Sash in the street.

  3. Anonymous2:32 pm

    Slutmolls! love it.

  4. Anonymous7:14 pm

    Hope your night passes without event. I've had my own troubles today - got attacked and mugged outside my flat. phoned the police at 2pm, still waiting...
    mikeyboy xx

  5. God Mikey I'm really sorry to hear that. Hope you weren't badly hurt. Love Mary

  6. Anonymous11:33 pm

    Not hurt but they scared me alright. threatened me with a knife and said that now they know where i live, the next time they see me it'll be a gun.
    reckon their bullshitting, stll scary though. the most significant loss, after my phone, was my favourite red t-shirt. bastards
    thanks xxx

  7. Sheeeit! Mikey are you saying they actually took the shirt off your back?

  8. Anonymous6:04 pm

    No, they held on to it whilst punching/kicking me - its now ripped to fuck. gave statment today and police reckon they know who did it, thanks to my local shops dilligent CCTV use!
    when i get my hands on them!! but seriously, its scared the shit out of me- as isaid last week, i simply dont understand people. xx

  9. I am really sorry that happened to you. It is your age group and gender that is, statistically, most at risk from random acts of violence. Not that that's a lot of comfort to you.

    With luck they'll be done. What sort of age were they?

  10. Anonymous12:59 am

    They were just my age, maybe year or 2 older. tried to explain to ma that i was just unlucky, and these folk dont really require motives. she didn't understand this. 'There isn't anything your not telling us?'. i'll explain on full when i see/speak to you next, for now i might invest in a taser...
    your right, just a stat-cool now, been in city 4 years and this is all the shit i've ever had.
