Sunday, July 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
Who would have thought that a picture of a derelict mill (even if it was taken from Ed's back garden) would have beaten this wonderful picture of Paddy to the number 2 slot of my most viewed photos in Flickr.

No doubt this is the sort of scene that Ed often sees from the bottom of his garden if he looks to the left instead of straight ahead and across the Maine.


  1. I still laugh when I see this photo.

  2. Anonymous9:08 pm

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  3. Anonymous9:08 pm

    Nah, if you look to the left it's nothing but ducks. And if we're not careful, we get them nesting in the garden, which means we get even more cats there.

    Which means I spend more money than I'd like to on shotgun ammo.


  4. Anonymous9:17 pm

    Ah, double posting. Ain't it great.

  5. Don't worry. I'll delete the extra one then perhaps someone'll think I've got me a troll.

    Sounds like you need yourself a lend of the cat hating Fancis Joseph Banjo. Would save a fortune on shotgun ammo.

  6. Anonymous11:42 pm

    To be fair, the cat-hating, duck-hating wee sister is more than taking care of the offending animals anyway. Saves me the money.

  7. What does she use to clear the plot? Catapult? Kitten cannon?

  8. Anonymous9:10 am

    Nah, she just trudges towards any invading creatures in the manner of teenagers everywhere. Think Kevin, but with less ginger and more attitude.

  9. I think trudge might be one of my favouirite words. So glad I don't have teenagers any more. Have you burnt your Harry Potter books yet?

  10. Anonymous11:40 am

    I think thats my favourite ever dog photo-paddy couldn't have been more inappropriate if he tried!
    mikeyboy x
