Saturday, July 09, 2005

Seamus at his rest

Seamus at his rest
Originally uploaded by ZMB.
I found this picture over at Zoe's Flickr photos. That was Daddy's corner where he always sat. His 'office' is at his right hand.

Tricia took the photo. He wasn't one for posing for pictures and she just spent a few hours following him around until eventually he ignored the fact that he was having his picture taken.

Other pictures taken on the same day were Seamus tending sheep and 'Katy and Granda' that I posted before.

Things I like about this picture are the sharp angles and his large hand - and his farmer's flat cap.


  1. Anonymous10:35 pm

    JB here - great pic, don't think I have seen this before. I am very wrecked after the stressful events - did not get dressed 'til about 8 this evening and planning to have another easy day tomorrow. Look after yourself Nelly.

  2. I've tried to phone you a couple of times - early evening. But no reply. I'm sure you are totally stressed and you were just right to have a pyjama day today.

  3. Very nice picture. It looks like a picture that should be framed.

  4. You're right about that. I do have it framed but not hung at the moment. I've been waiting until I move. I liked your mquest junior Beach Boy series.

  5. Thanks- The beach boy look just happened.
