Sunday, July 03, 2005

She Got A First

Originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
Mel A said that getting a First would not change her a bit. She'd still be the same silly ol' Mel that we all adore.

I think these pictures tell a different story. The one on the left shows her in the days when all she had to her name was a couple of A levels. Now look at the snoots of her.

But seriously Mel - WELL DONE - you deserved it.


  1. Anonymous3:07 pm

    Well done mel, yr a clever girl who works hard so you deserve it. hope you've had a huge party to celebrate xx


  2. Anonymous1:02 am

    oh you guys are all so sweet. I think i will return to cully soon and then i can celebrate with my best chums and that will be great. Hope you are are well - i'm sure i had already left a comment but it seems lost! weird.
    Mels.xxxx x x xx
