Sunday, August 07, 2005

A Culchie Day Out

It's a beautiful day. My best boy and I are going on a picnic. Bert and Rosie will also be tagging along. For our picnic we'll be having a nice bit of ham, buttered biscuits and Lucozade. When we get home we'll be aeting a big feed of spuds followed by sponge & custirt. We'll be driving to the picnic in the John Deere and we'll be listening to the Raveonettes, sorry, I mean Shania Twain. Tell you all about it later.


  1. Anonymous1:57 pm

    So Rosie will be Gettin clattered in muck, then? And you'll be yelling ‘Yeeeeeoooo' while she does?


  2. Funnily enuff it was me got clattered in muck after I fell in a drain half way up a mountain. And Bert shouted 'yeeeooo!'

    But unfortunately Bert made me take the Fiesta as nobody takes the tractor out on the Sabbath around the 'Backey. Though we saw plenty tractors in Bellaghy, Portglenone and South Derry. They mustn't be as fussy about the Sabbath in those parts. ;)

  3. Anonymous10:34 pm

    I wonder if you fell in the same hole as Dave!

  4. It was Mullaghmore. I never saw Dave in it.
