Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I Wonder...

I wonder what kind of grandmother I’ll be? I’ll never be like her. She’s around my age and that oldest one must be at least 10. Wonder what it’s like to have a granny with a bleached crew cut and tight jeans. Imagine having a tanned, tattooed granny in a vest top. She’s got four of them with her, the youngest in a pushchair. They’re a bit of a handful. She’s growling at them, warning them they’ll get no sweets if they don’t behave. They carry on regardless, not much heeding her gruffness. It is so obvious that they adore being with her; that spending the day with granny is the best fun. I’ll never look like her but I hope any future grandchildren I have will love spending time with granny as much as hers do.


  1. Anonymous9:02 am

    My children's grandmother

    You would make a fine granny. Though is there a hint of longing/instruction hidden in this post? :P

  2. Anonymous9:02 am

    Quite odd, I didn't get the boxes for my name that time. Though I guess from the url you know who it was. (And lo! As I type this, the wee box appeared. I guess I am too impatient.

  3. I suppose it must get very boring for you being told that your mum looks like your sister.

    I do long a bit for grandchildren. I fear that by the time I have them I'll be old and stooped with a wispy white bun and a black crocheted shawl.

  4. Anonymous1:41 pm

    Do I detect a bit of longing for the wispy white bun and black crocheted shawl, as well as for the grandchildren? Fancy yourself a bit of a Hell's Granny?

    I agree with Marc: you'd make a fine granny. Perhaps not as tattooed as the example in the post, but the kids wouldn't mind.

  5. Hell's Granny - that takes me back. I do fancy a bit of that. Not the mindless violence but I do like the idea of terrorising young men ;).

  6. Anonymous1:55 pm

    I look forward to the news reports. "Cully terrorised by Hell's Granny. Said Granny was last seen out on a bracing walk with several scunging devil dogs. Suspect is to be considered armed and extremely sober."

  7. There's an acronym but it peeves me so I have to say that made me laugh out loud. Which was good. Laughing is better than botox for us would be grannies. Ta.

  8. Anonymous2:44 pm

    lol!!!!1!! u r teh gr8est b10g3r in teh Cully!

    kthx bye brb

  9. The comment spammers usually put it plainer than that. But I know you really mean it.

    You do know I'm the only blogger in Cully.

  10. Anonymous5:43 pm

    Did I say Cully? I was going to say 'teh world', but I was a bit worried that you'd delete me.
