Friday, August 19, 2005

Ian's Challenge Update

On the 6th of August Ian challenged me to forgo alcohol for two weeks. My period of abstinence is due to end tomorrow at midnight but I intend to continue with it for a while. Whether this will be for a short or a long time I do not know but as I've noticed all my clothes are getting looser I think I'll keep to it for now.

[Pause to polish halo]

So I've given up smoking, and toking and drinking. Can anyone suggest a nice non-fattening, non health-threatening vice that I could adopt to replace these. Keep it clean. And legal.


  1. Community theater? Even if you don't like to get on stage, there's a lot you can do backstage.

    The acting part gets you out of the house for a couple of hours each night through the rehearsal period, and effectively ties up your evenings, which are prime drinking time for most of us.

  2. I'd have to think about that one Ronni.

  3. Mmmmm. Now you're talking. I shall have to get married.

  4. Care to write a post for my blog on how you felt after two weeks?

    It's been five months since my last drink now. I've never felt better.

  5. Inspired by your post Markham and have just challenged myself to stay sober until 6th September 2005. After that I shall see.

  6. Gorilla Art Projects?

  7. Er.. you will have to elaborate on that. Does it involve real gorillas? I'm a dog person really.

  8. Good one LI. This banjo? What music do you like to play - bluegrass? There are some nutty bluegrass fans around these parts who think Earl Scruggs is a god.

    I like a bit of banjo myself tho' not too much the hardcore bluegrass. As you'll have noticed from my pics we know a couple of banjo players. Marty Banjo Man who is very good and Ploppy Pants - who is getting there.

  9. Something big like painting all the hills pink.

  10. Missed this one on my last check mquest. Have to say I prefer my hills green or brown.
