Monday, August 22, 2005

Let Me Entertain You

....on Friday at 7pm.

In honour of Mikey's visit Nellybert will be having a Buffet Supper. Oh get us.

So if you read this blog and are anywhere in the vicinity of Cully this coming Friday you are very welcome.


If you are somebody I hate (and you know who you are) then don't dare darken my doorstep.

Mikey will be in charge of cheese choosing as he is an expert. Expect great things.

And Swisser - get a grip. You know I don't hate you.

Musicians are particularly welcome.

Divers, Artists, Suspended Ceiling Technicians, Diesel Mechanics, Academics, Web Designers, Cheese Vendors, Craftspersons, Egg Men, Horticulturalists, Bloggers and Turkey Rescuers are also welcome.

If you want to avail yourself of the complete range of tucker get here early.


  1. Rats, it's a little far from Leicester or i'd bring a quiche (home made obv.)
    Hope it goes brilliantly.

  2. Mmmmmm. Quiche. Longingly. Homerishly.

  3. Anonymous9:51 am

    Bugger. Free food, and you go an do it on a day when I'm in Fermanagh. And I would have brought.... em ... one of Mr Kiplings Exceedingly Good Cakes.

  4. That last comment - who have I missed out on them as well as one of Mr Kipling's finest?

  5. Anonymous11:59 am

    That would be me. But it's too early for me to be remembering silly little things like my own name.

  6. Ah but for when you come bearing cake we shall have to throw a salon type of gathering. This will consist of fine, incisive minds (no bletherers) and witty & sparky conversationalists with a smattering of young lovelies handing round the drinks and Mr Kipling almond slices (my fave). This gathering will be so civilised, so intellectual and so upmarket that I will probably spend the entire evening hiding in an outbuilding.

  7. It sounds better than Wylies or the Village Inn.

  8. Anonymous1:55 pm

    And what of those professions not listed? Eh? *sob*

    Anyhow, I guess I will demur politely, as I have to pack to go to Portugal for a week or so. Did I mention that? All expenses paid to Portugal?

    Burn, baby, *burn*!

  9. Anonymous2:08 pm

    so civilised, so intellectual and so upmarket

    Sounds boring. Although the presence of the young lovelies may make up for it.

    Anyways, as Marc pointed out, there's a list of approved professions, and I ain't on it.

  10. It's been amended so's you won't feel excluded even though youse are going to be in Portugal and Fermanagh.

    I take it CyberScribe knows Cully then - at least knows some of its more salubrious nightspots.

  11. Anonymous11:51 pm

    Aaaarghhhh! a party in my honour and i'm the last person to reply!!!! i'm a bad man.. I've been in london (baby!!) the last few days so haven't had the daily pleasure of your blog nelly. anyway, the mind is racking for the chiociest cheese treats i can muster!! I'm really looking forward to this week, speak to you tommoro i reckon!
    thaNKS again,

  12. I was starting to worry cheesemeister that you'd gone off the idea of vacationing in Cully, so backwaterish compared to LOndon town. Tour chances of getting mown down by armed response team? Slight. Chances of getting mown down by R driver on Dreen Road? High.

  13. Anonymous8:16 pm

    i spent this morning cheese shopping-you guys are in for a treat!!! although nearly not, as the new boy in the shop spent an age cutting me the right sizes etc, only to give it all to the wrong customer. needless to say i made him go through it all again...
    mikeyboy xxxx

  14. Oh goody - cheeses from the guy who is personal cheese shopper to JK Rowling.

    The amount of interest in this post has led me to consider hosting a Norn Iron blogmeet the next time Marc and Ganching are on the oul sod at the same time. Now that we're going to have this 4-bed house with extra sleeping spaces everywhere I could even accommodate those from the far flung arts and parts of NI.

  15. About ten years ago I was in the music bizz and earned a couple of pounds in both establishments. All I remember about them (apart from the fights) was a boss with a finger missing and a guy running about nicknamed "monkey"
    Before you ask I'm saving up for a guitar string and can't play on Friday night :-)

  16. About ten years ago I was in the music bizz and earned a couple of pounds in both establishments. All I remember about them (apart from the fights) was a boss with a finger missing and a guy running about nicknamed "monkey"
    Before you ask I'm saving up for a guitar string and can't play on Friday night :-)

  17. Well you'd better start saving up for when I have my blogger's only party. There's two music shops in Cully y'know altho' one concentrates on marching band instruments. Yet to see a guitarist in an Orange band.

  18. Anonymous5:15 pm

    Yet to see a guitarist in an Orange band.

    But it would be entertaining. I wonder if Ballynafeigh have a suggestion box on the front...

  19. It's not going to happen Ed. You know how set marching bands are on traditional routes, flutes, drums, accordians and bagpipes.
