Saturday, August 13, 2005

Mind How You Go

Earlier today I heard that at least one police officer reads this blog in his free time. Obviously I have nothing to fear from this, as I am an honest and upstanding citizen who never steals, speeds, tokes or riots. Nor do I make a hash of renewing my firearms licence. But I thought I'd alert the rest of you just in case you should admit to some crime while on a visit to Nelly's Garden.

I must confess I'm flattered to hear of my new reader for like many older ladies I come over all a-flutter at the thought of an authoritative man in a nicely pressed uniform.*

And see you Ganching - we'll be having none of your PNIS jokes if you please. I'll have you know this is a respectable (law-abiding) blog.

*Obviously this does not include traffic wardens.


  1. Tell all. As far as I know my policeman reader has no connection to Interpol.

  2. Anonymous5:59 pm

    dam it ...

  3. Don' worry Mikey, you can look up Intepol on the WWW and....

    I bumped into Shazza in Cully today. You're invited up during your visit.
