Thursday, August 25, 2005

Reasons For Not Posting - 1,2,3 and 4

1. I did overtime at work.

2. My stalker called and that took up 40 minutes or so.

3. Then I went for my walk.

4. Lost was on TV.


  1. I haven't had a stalker( my blogs aren't that good), but my Mrs has had a few obscene phone calls. On one occasion she replied to the caller by responding. "I can't I'm eating a cheese sandwhich" :-)

    I hope you get it all sorted soon and don't give up blogging!

  2. Good calm reply from Mrs C-S. She's an example to us all. Unless of course her caller had a cheese fetish. How you know Cully pubs? One's dull and the other's a dive. Do you know which is which?

  3. I'm sorry for posting so many comments today. I wanted to pass on an article in Sigla @
    and as I said before "I hope you get it all sorted soon and don't give up blogging!"

  4. Thanks CS - I'll be reading that altho' my stalker is not of the cyber variety. Haven't got one of those - that I know of. There is no such thing as posting too many comments so feel free. And I intend to keep blogging on for a while yet.

  5. Anonymous3:36 pm

    I've got a stalkier as well. Bit worrying.


  6. Ganching - my stalker is the non-cyber variety. And you know him. He's really an accidental stalker.

  7. CyberScribe - just read that article. Chilling. That's one lad who couldn't be put off by the cheese sandwich gambit.

  8. Cully pubs......
    I was, working along with my Mrs about 10 years ago,touring pubs/clubs doing a cabaret/disco show. We toured all over the North and of course Cully. The more respectable pub in Cully when we played it was for the local football team and of course there were fights that night. The less respectable pub was quiet inside but at least at thast time they kept there fights to the car park.

  9. The less respectable pub is under new management but it's still a bit of a no go area for a respectable woman like myself. For all sorts of reasons.

    That landlord has retired and the other landlord died.

    Bert went to school with a guy called Monkey. Said he was a 'wee shite'.

    I once saw a man take a small horse into the Village Inn. Neither horse nor man out again so I suppose this was usual.
