Friday, September 02, 2005

Another Virgo

Delighted congratulations to Terry and Rod on the birth of their little daughter born on the first of September. Yay! Another Virgo. They're great, we are.

Rod we tried to phone but we think you may be at the hospital gazing adoringly at your girls.


  1. Anonymous1:01 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Because it was more bloody dross from a spammer. Still at least he said my blog was 'great'.

  3. Anonymous3:08 pm

    That's how you know it's spam. Real net users would have said 'gr8'.


  4. So how do the spammers go about it. Somehow I can't imagine them sitting down and addresing each blogger individually? Enlighten me Oh Great Him.

  5. Anonymous4:44 pm

    They phone up satan and say "here, can I trade you my soul in return for a bit of software that will annoy the feck out of innocents on the web?"

    And satan, he says "you poor excuse for a person, you already have no soul, nor mercy, nor human decency. However, you can have this piece of software for free"

    And thusly the spammer gets their spambot, which automaticially searches the web for blogs/boards and tries to get comments onto them advertising their own site. These 'bots are capable of making thousands of comments in the time it take your or I to make one. For those of us using WordPress or MoveableType, there are many varied ways of stopping comment spam, which have come in useful (not a single spam comment has gotten through on my blog for months now, although it was nasty last year). Blogger seems to be a bit behind the game with things like that, although apparently they're working on it.

    I think the best thing to do is find a spammer and bludgeon them to death. But then I'm old fashioned like that.

  6. Or I could phone up my Uncle Carmine.

  7. Anonymous10:22 pm

    congratulations to rod and terry!
    mikeyboy xx

  8. I'll pass that on.

  9. Anonymous1:16 am

    Well done Rod and Terry. I bet they're well chuffed.

