Friday, September 16, 2005

A Birthday

When I was a child I thought I was special because my father's birthday and mine were so close. Mine was on the 9th September, his on the 16th. I used to think that I, the firstborn, was his early birthday present. And to continue the tradition my firstborn Zoe was born just 10 days before my birthday. She was my special 21st birthday present. Daddy was 34 years older than me and would have been 86 today.


  1. Give granny a big hug and kiss from me ,

  2. My grandson, Aidan, was born on my birthday. And, my younger daughter shared a birthday with my mother-in-law.

  3. My ex-husband has the same birthday as my Mum. nearly 20 years after our divorce they exchange birthday greetings.
